
秀徹® – 身体の真髄を呼び覚ます究極の鍛錬メソッド


何故秀徹®が選ばれるのか? 秀徹®が追求するのは 「身体のパワーの最大化」 です。動画でご紹介している迫力ある技の数々は、日々の地道な鍛錬と洗練されたアプローチの賜物です。まるで熟練の職人が技を磨くかのように、秀徹®では日々進化を遂げながら、古来の知恵と現代のトレーニング理論を融合させています。





Tanden, Center, Hara

These keywords have been passed down in Japan since ancient times. The ability to generate power from the hara produces overwhelming strength, something that many masters in the past have undoubtedly experienced.

For those who have felt it, the “power that comes from the center” is real.

What our association (Shutetsu®) has been focusing on is “Maximizing Body Power”.

In the videos, we demonstrate powerful techniques, but at Shutetsu®, our training resembles that of a craftsman refining their skill; we repeat simple, subtle exercises over and over again.

We reflect on the body, which may have been worn down by weight training over the years, and through a different approach, we refine our movements.

Driven by our dedication to power, Shutetsu® training has emerged as

A Method That Dramatically Strengthens People

not only for martial artists and fighters but also for researchers of body mechanics in various fields and even those with little to no martial arts background, showing remarkable effects in their training.

We believe we can share insights that aren’t found in any martial arts books..

It’s not mystical.

The tanden, center, and hara, which you may not be consciously aware of, require persistent and subtle training to awaken, but once achieved, you will be amazed by the dramatic increase in your technique’s power.

While sparring and the application of techniques are important aspects of martial arts, what we emphasize at Shutetsu® is

The Thorough Process of Developing a Martial Body

before reaching that point.

Gradually moving the immovable may seem challenging, but if you truly immerse yourself in it, it is absolutely reproducible.